Laboratory Products

Laboratory Gas Chromatograph "CHROMOS GC"

  • Multiprocessor module system
  • Transformer power supply
  • Ability to install up to 4 detectors per Chromos GC
  • Universal Gas Flow Controller
  • Chromos Software applications

Advantages of "CHROMOS GC":
Technical specifications:

18 detectors types: FID, TCD, FPD, ECD, FTD, CCD, PID, PDD, TCHD, CLD, PFPD, PED, DID, GC-MS

390 х 480 х 500 mm (WхHхD) at thermostat volume of 14 L,
390 х 480 х 570 mm (WхHхD) at thermostat volume of 19 L.

Universal Gas Flow Controller (GFC) allows to implement up to 8 types of gas flow modes: continuous / programmed gas flow mode, stable / programmed pressure mode, continuous / programmed linear speed mode, gas saving mode, programed flow flame ignition mode.

5 types of inlet: split/splitless, packed, programmable evaporation, liquid gas injection and inlet module for unstable gas condensate.

Temperature of the column thermostat:
T (room) + 2°C - 450°C. With cooling -5°C - 450°C.

Detection limit: 0.5 ppb (for TCD)

Chromos gas sample valves operate for 3-, 4-, 6-, 8-, 10- ports at temperature range up to 220 °C.

Сhromos Software for oil and gas, food and beverage, forensic labs, environmental, packaging & recycling and pharmaceutical industries applications.

Technical specifications:
18 detectors types: FID, TCD, FPD, ECD, FTD, CCD, PID, PDD, TCHD, CLD, PFPD, PED, DID, GC-MS
390 х 480 х 500 mm (WхHхD) at thermostat volume of 14 L,
390 х 480 х 570 mm (WхHхD) at thermostat volume of 19 L.
Universal Gas Flow Controller (GFC) allows to implement up to 8 types of gas flow modes: continuous / programmed gas flow mode, stable / programmed pressure mode, continuous / programmed linear speed mode, gas saving mode, programed flow flame ignition mode.
5 types of inlet: split/splitless, packed, programmable evaporation, liquid gas injection and inlet module for unstable gas condensate.
Temperature of the column thermostat:
T (room) + 2°C - 450°C. With cooling -5°C - 450°C.
Detection limit: 0.5 ppb (for TCD).
Chromos gas sample valves operate for 3-, 4-, 6-, 8-, 10- ports at temperature range up to 220 °C.
Сhromos Software for oil and gas, food and beverage, forensic labs, environmental, packaging & recycling and pharmaceutical industries applications.
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